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Showing posts from March, 2019

What makes India incredible?

Why is India incredible ......         India - a country with more than 130 million population has many aspects that makes it different form others .The country ruled by British for more than 100years has still made its impact on the world . Well , India has its diversification in tradition,culture,lifestyle,living habitat,etc .When we look at its different aspects.India is gifted with so many gifts that has helped the world gain more attention towards India .Starting from the ancient period Aryabhatta has invented zero ,which changed  each perspective in maths . People have a well to do Lifestyle in India some are rich some are poor but some so rich like Mukesh Ambani -Richest man in Asia .But on the other side India is also known for its agriculture and farming .nearly 70% of the people depend on agriculture for their livelihood . Really fascinating, isn't it? . There are 22 languages in Indian constitution which has been registered and giv...

World's best city?

          World's best city to live ...... There are many cities in the world ,where living is very exciting and wonderfully .Here are some of the cities where you could settle down. 1)Osaka ,japan  2) Calgary ,Canada 3) Sydney, Australia 4) Tokyo ,Japan 5) Copenhagen, Denmark 6) Toronto ,Canada So, these were some of the cities which are very good for living a great Lifestyle . . . . . . . until next time see you soon.

7 wonders

7 wonders of the world ..... Ever wondered what a wonder is ? Well ,wonder in simple means , something that when sight feels like something we haven't seen in our life .Well certainly the earth has 7 wonders that you should definitely know . 1)The great pyramid of Giza 2)The colesseum of rome 3)light house of Alexandria                4)Hanging garden of Babylon          5) Mausoleum at Halicarnassu 6)Statue of Zeus at Olympia 7)Temple of Artemis at Ephesus . . . . .until next time see you soon.

Is watching TV good?

Is watching TV  necessary ........ First of all , let me tell you TV is an idiotic box and if you are still watching it then you need to change this and make your life more comfortable . TV , technology,science,mobiles, computers, laptops,have really accelerated the pace of our lives .When I was a child ,we (my friends and me) users to go out for playing and come home just to eat ,whereas on the other side if I see in today's generations small children's have been addicted to technology and affected very much by it . Outdoor games have stopped being mobiles provide every game at  their hands , now if you see in your surroundings no small childrens would play cricket ,football , badminton ,hide and seek .They just stick to their parents mobile and watch something that has a serious effect on their mentality right from childhood . Parents really need to stop providing mobile phones to their young one's if they do so they are making a huge mistake and...

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence...... Artificial intelligence also known as (AI) is the new technology introduced in the 21st century .Well what is it? Let's have a look.  Artificial intelligence is one of the most largely used words in the world of computers .well ,simply telling it makes possible for machines to performs  as that of human  John McCarthy was the one who named this as artificial intelligence,it has wide use in many science related fields such as health , financial fields , aviation, manufacturing different things. ,etc  Simply stating AI has made lives more simplistic using this technology .And also one can get a dream job at this field .Many reasearches are going on to bring this technology to common man .So that it could be understood by everybody . . . . . . . . . Until next time see you soon


PUBG BANNED IN INDIA .....? Pubg the game that took many youths into it and isn't allowing them to get back to their normal life . Is it good or bad ,forget about the game ,just for one sec think that you would love to be in virtual reality game or would you love to be in reality where it's all real . Many such time taking games will come and go ,and thats not the fault of people it's about the generation we are living in .Today,living in the 21st century no one can escape technology .And no one should but technology and real life has a way different form that we would expect. It's not about playing games it's about the time you waste on the game ,rather saying if you want ,you can play but play games that can really give you something .The choose is yours...... . . . . . . until next time see you soon.......

Would India be a pollution free nation.......

Would India be a pollution free nation...... What do your thoughts have to say about pollution? A unwanted word that should have not lasted ,but most probably things don't go the way we want . Around 12.4 lakh people have died just due to Air pollution . sometimes I feel that why aren't we so disciplined to maintain a clean state further a country . People in India have to think that their upcoming generations will have to die scarificing their dreams due to pollution. From 1981, 191 million vehicles have buried seeds of pollution .Think twice before buying anything that would take you away one day . Tesla's owner Elon Musk announced earlier that he would be launching tesla to India shortly by 2020 .we should give a strong support to such initiatives that could really help India to be a pollution free nation. Tesla cars always have fascinated the world with its technology and electrical vehicles  should be used today to save tomorrow..... . . . . . ....

Zero to one .....

Zero to one ..............               Based on this book ,which is also my favourite is a must read ,written by Peter theil well what's inside it ? Let's have a look . The next Bill gates won't create a operating system .The next Larry page or Sergey Brin won't create a search engine .And the next Marc Zuckerberg won't make a social network .If you're copying these guys ,you aren't learning from them. Of course,it's easy to copy a model than to make something new. Doing what we already  know takes the world from 1 to n ,adding more of something familiar.but every time we create something new,we go from zero to one .The act of creating is singular ,as it is the moment of creation,and the result is something fresh and strange. Unless they invest in difficult task of creating new things, companies will fail in future no matter how Big their profits remain today. What happens when we've gained everything to be had from ...

The mindsets of happiness......

The Mindsets of happiness........... Did you know? that an 21 year old has an billion dollars company whereas the same on the other side would be still searching for a job .You simply just can't predict what life is?.Many of the young generation are still in the mindset of happiness that we will be successful and ofcourse,they become, but untill when ? The time they would go for a job without their will . Really ,are you looking for a job or your passion ?. Great job can feed you ,and buy you everything but a great passion can make you believe what living actually is ?.A coin always has two sides ,same as that of humans .Money can't buy happiness,but a great passion can .Don't worry if you're paid less you will be successful and happy .I've seen many people working a 9 -5 job earning more than a lack but when they sleep they have a sleepless night. Whereas ,if you will see a labourer ,he works the same working hours but when he gets home he sleeps a ...

Content writing

What is Conte nt writing ? Hey guys what is up and welcome back to another exciting blog post.if you haven't already been to my previous post please do read , comment ,share and like .so let's get started . So ,always wondered why no one comes to your website or blog .Well all that matters is what and how you write ?.Most probably you should get your hands on effective and efficient content. so ,that you could attract more traffic ,you Just need to follow content writing . Content writing in general means , writing what people are interested in ? Suppose you have to write a blog but you ain't getting the topic or say you just wrote on "hardwork or success " believe me no one's gonna read your meaningless lectures about these topics because they already know what that is ?. Okay, in order to get more traffic you need to understand that people in today's world have evolved to very different level . Todays breath taking live...

The reality depicts

The reality depicts..... Hey guys welcome back to another exciting blog post . Ever remembered when the society appreciated you for what have you done ? Probably not.....!. Society often leads to an impactful pressure on the surrounding that we live in .society would tell you to do what our elders ones are doing .but never will tell you to do what you love ?.They always tell you to become like someone or something but would never tell you to be the one you want or be the one you are .Many people in the society often cry when they see you happy .Just because you want to care or you don't want to see others happy and prosperous . Has anybody ever asked you what are you doing now (enquiry about jobs !)?  And if someone hasn't got one then he has no value .I have a great reply for such people answer them that WE ARE HAPPY ,WITH WHAT WE HAVE AND WHAT WE WANT .Believe there will be a great sigh of relief in your eyes when you'll ans like this . Life has more values t...